What Are The Most Common Types Of Divorce?

Divorces are not easy to deal with at all, but it’s important to know the different types of divorces when your next step is going to a family lawyer. Here is everything you need to know about the different types of divorces.

No-Fault Divorce

This divorce is based on the agreement that the couple is separating on the grounds of irreconcilable differences, rather than going into details about the reasons. It means that there is no fault that is being filed as a divorce complaint.

This divorce is a simple process and less time-consuming. You can choose to get a legal team involved or not, but you still need to sort out the differences, division of assets, and other marital problems.

Uncontested Divorce

This type of divorce is the least stress-inducing one from the lot. In this divorce, the couple is upfront about their problems with the marriage and decides the agreements on the spot, in court. Once the agreements are made, the case can be filed and it proceeds from there.

This process is also very quick, but the presence of both partners is mandatory, otherwise, this divorce is not applicable, and you need to go for a different type of divorce.

Mediated Divorce

A mediated divorce is a type of divorce, where a legal advisor or lawyer tries to mediate between you and your partner. This divorce is a good option for those couples who are extremely volatile and can’t get to an agreement, without disputing or having a quarrel.

A mediator is a neutral third person, who tries their best to resolve the matters between the couple and get to a conclusion about the divorce and other matters, like child custody, asset division, and more.

Legal Separation

This is not a traditional divorce, but it is more like a preliminary step before any type of divorce. If you or your partner are not ready for a divorce but need some space from each other, then you can go to court and get a legal separation. This means that the couple is no longer living together and the next most probable step is divorce.

Sometimes, space can clear the misunderstandings between the couple and it can lead to them getting back together, instead of going through with the divorce, so it’s a good option.

Default Divorce

A default divorce is a divorce where one partner is not contesting with the other. If you file for a divorce and your partner doesn’t respond, then the court has the right to offer you a divorce, despite the absence of the other partner. It may seem like an ideal situation, but a default divorce has its own merits and demerits. So, you need to be educated about this divorce before proceeding with it.

Collaborative Divorce

This divorce is the common type that couples go for. A collaborative divorce involves the meeting of two lawyers, one from either side and they both collaborate with each other to get to terms with the agreement, and then the divorce case is filed.

Collaborative divorce is great for couples who have a friendly relationship with each other and aren’t using lawyers or the court system to get back at the other party. There shouldn’t be any trace of ill will, so it’s best if you know the ins and outs of this divorce.

Arbitrary Divorce

This divorce has a trial, where a judge or attorney will be presented with the facts from both sides and then a decision is made. The trial is not as intimidating as other trials, so you can feel at ease, even if the situation is tense. This divorce is also a good option if the matters are not resolvable by talking things through.

A judge or attorney can make a better decision, based on the facts produced and all other things will be resolved as well, like custody and division of assets, alimony, etc. based on the financial stability of both partners.


There you have it! The different types of divorces will determine how the separation of couples is carried out. Some are easier and less time-consuming than others. Get help from the best divorce lawyers Fairfax VA to make the process easier.

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